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You wish your life was different

You are constantly juggling two or three things at the same time including the help you offer others because you can’t stop yourself. What will others say to your “No’s, What would they think of you? You fear their judgment. Sometimes, you just want to be left alone. You sometimes snap at people you love and then feel guilty. You don’t enjoy life like you used to. Where is the motivation you had before?

You deserve a better life and become the person you want to be, embrace your uniqueness, and learn to live a more balanced meaningful life. If you are looking for therapists in Pasadena, CA.  Contact me to learn more about how I can help.  

Therapy for Depression in Pasadena, CA.

Do you sometimes wonder why other people seem to have it all together and you don’t?

You look around and see people thriving. They seem happy and satisfied with their life. They have family who seem supportive and loving. Then you think about your own family and remember some of the stuff you’ve dealt with over the years. Perhaps you grew up in an environment of arguments, yelling, and family members calling you names. 

You wish things were different because you love them, but it’s hard to communicate with them. They’ve hurt you. You feel lonely, misunderstood, and discouraged. Unfortunately, when you get out and try to talk to others, you realize that part of you feels that you don’t belong there. You feel ashamed about what others might think of you as if they were able to read your mind and see what you think about yourself. To protect yourself you either hide from others, become defensive when someone hurts you, or maybe you become a people pleaser to obtain some affection. You don’t like yourself and even call yourself names. Deep inside you know this is not you.

You blame yourself for things that go wrong in your life

You can’t stop your inner chat, scolding yourself about why you didn’t do/say things differently. You hold yourself to higher standards and treat yourself poorly for not being perfect, for making mistakes. Even if someone else is responsible for something that didn’t go right, you insist in making yourself believe that it was your fault. My clients want to be at peace with themselves. They want to learn to enjoy life and come to terms with who they are. Many of my clients don’t know how to treat themselves well because they are used to self-judging.

Many of my clients are loving and caring towards others while at the same time they feel disconnected from others. They also self-critical. Therapy may be good for you if:

·   You are struggling with your relationships

·   Can’t let go of negative thoughts about yourself

·   Feel resentful and upset towards others

·   Feel unmotivated to take action

·   Hide your feelings to avoid confrontation

You wish your life was different

My goal is to help you become the person you want to be, embrace your uniqueness, and learn to love yourself just as you are. During our session, I won’t be asking you a bunch of questions, lecture you, or tell you what to do. Instead, we will work together to find coping skills that fit your style and that will help you to come to terms with who you are. 

During our initial session, I’d like to get to know about you, your background and your current struggles to get a better understanding of your needs. Then, together we’ll decide what goal you would like to work on. I love working with clients who are ready to experience a change in their life, it is important that you are willing to open up with me. I know this can be scary, especially because you don’t know me yet, but I hope I can earn your trust. The more I know about you the more I can help you.

Keep in mind:

1. What you tell me in session is confidential. ( There are some exceptions of confidentiality that I will tell you about when we meet).

2. Processing your challenges might take time. However, the tools that you are about to learn will help you to feel gradually better.

3. I strongly recommend you practicing the tools you learn throughout the week. The more you practice, the better you will feel. Thus, please practice, practice, practice!

Therapy is a process of growth and exploration. There are many tools we can use that can help. However, I always encourage my clients to let me know if a tool is not working that much as we can explore different ways to help you feel better. 

You deserve a better life. A life full of healthy relationships in which you feel loved and accepted by the people who love you but most importantly, by yourself. I’d love to help you get there.

Counseling for Anxiety in Pasadena, CA.

Are you frequently worried of what others think of you?

You don’t want people to notice your imperfections. You act cool and try to hide the best you can traits you don’t like about yourself. You are frequently wondering if others noticed what you did or said wrong and if so, what do they think of you now? You create stories in your mind of the judgmental comments people might say about you. You feel mad, disappointed and frustrated for not handling interactions with others the way you would like to.

When things don’t go as planned, you tend to feel upset, you get angry at yourself, and even consider throwing a tantrum.  You know that your own expectations might be too high, but still, you judge yourself for not being perfect. You torture yourself by playing fabricated stories in your mind over and over. Every time this happens, it seems like this is the end, you catastrophize imagining the worst possible scenario even if it’s unlikely to happen. Many of my clients want to feel confident, and they want to be able to debunk their anxious thoughts of self-doubt.


Your life feels overwhelming

You recognize that your plate is full, you handle too much at a time, your life feels stressful already, your body keeps the score, when you feel anxious your breathing changes and you even feel a pressure on your chest still you can’t say no to others. You naturally care for others and  helping them is a priority despite how you are feeling.  You fear their rejection if you dare to say no. Many of my clients feel a natural empathy towards people around them and tend to put them before themselves.

My clients recognize their need to improve their emotional wellbeing. Therapy might be good for you if you:

∙  You are struggling with balancing your life

∙  Tend to see yourself through A negative lens

∙  Put other people’s priorities before your needs

∙  Imagine the worst case scenario when things don’t go as expected

∙ Believe you can predict the future or you can read other people’s minds.


Your life feels out of control

My goal is to help you to take control of your life by challenging your beliefs and helping you to develop self-compassion to become the person you want to be.  During our sessions, I won’t be asking you a bunch of questions, lecturing you, or telling you what to do. Instead, we will work together to find coping skills that fit your style. This will help you come to terms with who you are.  

During our initial session, I’d like to get to know about you, your background and your current struggles to get a better understanding of your needs. Then, together we’ll decide what goal you would like to work on. I love working with clients who are ready to experience a change in their life. It is important that you are willing to open up with me. I know this can be scary, especially because you don’t know me yet, but I hope I can earn your trust. The more I know about you the more I can help.

Keep in mind:

1. What you tell me in session is confidential (There are some exceptions of confidentiality that I will tell you about when we meet).

2. Processing your challenges might take time. However, the tools that you are about to learn will help you to feel gradually better.

3. I strongly recommend you practice the tools you learn throughout the week. The more you practice, the better you will feel.

Therapy is a process of growth and exploration. There are many tools we can use that can help. However, I always encourage my clients to let me know if a tool is not working that much as we can explore different ways to help you feel better.  

You deserve a balanced life. A life full of healthy relationships in which you feel loved and accepted by the people who love you but most importantly, by yourself. I’d love to help you get there.

Teletherapy for Anxiety & Depression in California

Teletherapy for Anxiety in California

Your to-do-list doesn’t seem to have an end. You are constantly on the go, juggling two or three things at the same time. If you could only take time for yourself, life would be different. You truly want more balanced days. Your body is screaming for help, and you feel your tense breathing and your tight chest.  Between all the things you need to do, the help you offer others because you can’t stop yourself. Do you even have an hour for so needed self-care?  You realize you can’t keep going like this anymore.  Something will blow up if you don’t do something about it. You do not enjoy your days anymore.  Life, yours, feels  too stressful.  What will others say to your “No’s” when they ask for a favor? You need help, and you are willing to go to therapy but you get anxious just to think about driving to an office, getting your session and driving back, too much time that you don’t have?

Online therapy treatment for Anxiety can help you. You can get therapy wherever you are. No need to drive anywhere. No traffic to deal with. No waiting. I even have a short treatment that includes short sessions of 30 min. No more excuses, if you are ready to get rid of your anxiety. Call me. I can help you to create peace with and for yourself.

Teletherapy for depression in California

You’ve been spending more time by yourself lately. You realize that you don’t even want to be close to your family and/or friends. You sometimes snap at them and then feel guilty. You just want to be left alone. Your body feels heavy, and you just don’t have the energy  to get up in the morning. Everything requires a big effort, even leaving your room. You don’t enjoy life like you used too. Where is the motivation you had before?  You know you need help, and sometimes you think you might want to give therapy a try. But, the thought of going to an office is already too much of an effort. If you think this might be you, my therapy online treatment for depression might be a good fit for you.  You don’t have to go anywhere to take your therapy session, you can take it where you are no need to come to my office.  Call me and let’s schedule an appointment. 

I offer therapy treatment for depression and anxiety anywhere in California. Whether you are in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego or anywhere in California. I can help you get rid of your anxiety and depression that you don’t need in order for you to start enjoying your days the way you want. Call me and let’s start working. 




Terapia en español

Ayudo a mujeres que quieren tener relaciones más sanas con la gente a su alrededor. Quieren sentirse libres y dejar de tener miedo de ser rechazadas o juzgadas.

Mis clientes tienen problemas como los tuyos. A pesar de que son inteligentes y persistentes y que tienen gente en su vida que se preocupa por ellas, para ellas su vida es difícil. Cuando llegan a mi oficina por primera vez, realmente desean mejorar sus relaciones. Se sienten mal con ellas mismas y piensan que no son lo suficientemente buenas. Cuando se sienten rechazadas, estas mujeres no saben que decir en conversaciones, se les quiebra la voz.  Constantemente se critican y su voz interior les dice, “Algo está mal conmigo. Esto es mi culpa”.  Tienen expectativas altas de ellas mismas y miedo de cometer errores. Algunas veces piensan que no pertenecen a su grupo social y se sienten inadecuadas.  Tienden a culparse por las discusiones que tienen con sus seres queridos. Ellas son capaces de perdonar a cualquier persona por sus errores, excepto a ellas mismas. 

Muchas de mis clientes crecieron en una familia disfuncional, han sido testigas de comportamientos y demandas irracionales que saben que no son correctas, pero aman a su familia y parece imposible poner límites y decir “No”. Ellas tienen atender las necesidades de los demás antes que las suyas. Esta situación es frustrante para ellas y las hace sentir exhaustas.

El miedo a ser rechazadas y juzgadas es una barrera que les impide seguir adelante. Ellas quieren muchas cosas en la vida, y no son el tipo de persona que les gustaría ser. Imagínate estos pensamientos, “No soy lo suficientemente buena. Soy una fracasada en mi familia. Le he fallado a mis amigos, familia y/o pareja” El constantemente criticarse a ellas mismas ocasiona que su vida social se vea afectada. Se sienten desmotivadas y desinteresadas. Ellas visualizan un futuro negativo, se dicen, “Las cosas van a empeorar” y tratan de evadir confrontaciones. Se sienten atrapadas, atoradas y piensan que así se van a quedar, lo cual les impide ser auténticas.

 Este no es un estado permanente. Como mis clientes, tú también mereces estar en paz contigo misma, sentirte segura, y tener relaciones más sanas. Todo esto está a tu alcance. Si quieres tener la habilidad de disfrutar la vida con sus altas y bajas, me encantaría ayudarte. 

Ofrezco terapia en linea y tambien terapia en espanol en  persona en Pasadena, CA. Llámame. No tienes que seguir sufriendo. Te puedo ayudar.